Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My baby pics

Me and my mom, Mimi 

Out to dinner with Mimi and pop Ed

Derek's first Father's Day 2014

Davis' first pool day

Davis' first pool day was spent at the pool with our good friends Haley and nick Chastang! We had a great time. Davis lasted about 2 hours. He was getting hot and the water was too cold for him to get in. 

Dining room decor

Derek and I spent all day Sunday recovering and painting these dining room chairs. Our neighbor, Celia found us 4 old chairs for $63. I wanted them so we could make them look more modern. They turned out awesome. I just ordered a monogram to put on the back of each of the 4 chairs!! Here's to home decorating!!! 

Nana's 48th wedding anniversary

Grandpa and Nana's 48th wedding anniversary! We went to coach and four to eat dinner tonight. Davis wore a tuxedo outfit given to him by Kristin Gunnell Price... A co worker of mine in the recovery room.
Tonight we went out of Lee Vaughans 32nd birthday dinner at Cafe Asia. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 4th 2014

We had a wonderful first July 4th with Davis. Friday we went to the lake while my mom watched Davis Friday night and Saturday. We went to our friends Lee and Meas family lake house and hung out with Leann, Todd Amanda and Josh. It was fun but sure did miss little Davis! He spent the night with Mimi Friday night and Saturday we had a neighborhood cool out. 
All our cul de sac neighbors came to the cookout. We had hamburgers and sides. Derek was the grill master this time but the cookout was at Joan and Jim's house. Celia, Leanne and Jensen all held baby Davis and Andrew. They all loved him! He wore his cute flag outfit that my mom bought him at a baby boutique. He was defiantly my lil firecracker. Derek light off fireworks that night with everyone in the cul de sac and Davis and I went home and went to bed. It was a wonderful Fourth of July and Davis' first Fourth of July!