The night before going into labor!!!-- we ate Valentine's Day dinner at Al'dente. Thank you to our friends Sani and Eli for watching Davis for mommy and daddy's last meal before baby Sterling arrives!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
Mommy's gifts from Daddy!!
Cravings:First trimester:
Chocolate milk, anything sweet
Second trimester:
Anything sweet
Lucky charms cereal
Third trimester:
Anything cold and icy
Green tea
Starbucks refresher drink
This pregnancy differs from Davises pregnancy because I have been a lot more emotional.... I will cry over anything. The other day I cried because it was Christmas and I was so happy Christmas was finally here!! I have had acne my entire pregnancy is well. They say girls make you more emotional and I totally agree. I cannot wait for baby Sterling to get here!!! My best friend Haley is throwing a baby shower or baby sprinkle as they call it to celebrate her arrival. As for the house plans... well they are in action and we hope to be building or start building in about four weeks. For now we are renting my friend Leanns house until we can move into our new house!
**Waiting for baby Sterling to get here!!!!