Wednesday, March 17, 2010

*new blogger*

happy st. pattys day all ~:) so this is my first blog and i have no clue how or where to begin so i am going to just start typing. right now i am currently sitting at home by myself. (boyfriend is working today at the golf course, he is a golf pro assistant at a near by country club) he pretty much stays busy allll day during the summer where today they have a mens tournament. so i was sitting here thinking about starting to blog. my best friend ashely gave me the idea of blogging as where she blogs frequently due to her being a stay at home mom she has time on her hands (not that much because she is raising a 1 year old). (she is not in the picture above). In the picture above is actually one good good friend of mine that i work with in the emergencey department as a registered nurse named Laura. I threw her a bachlorette party last saturday at a local bar in downtown roanoke. we had tons of cutsey gifts, dinner, and a cake. about 15 girls showed up and we all had a great time celebrating lauras wedding in a few weeks (they are going on a cruise to get married.we danced all night long until about 2am:):) (late late night lemme tell ya).

so anyways i usually work about 36-48 hours a week depending on the week and the days vary to 3-4 days a week and every other weekend. i work at a level one trauma center in roanoke and we see about a million patients a day ranging from all sorts of diseases and problems. to say the least we are very very busy and the staffing is short these days. i enjoy what i did and just recently finished recieving my bachelors degree in nursing from a local school in the community. i am hoping to further my career in nursing one day but i want to learn as much as i can right now and take a few years off from school.

i currently live with my boyfriend (just moved in about 3 weeks ago) aprox 45 minutes from the town i grew up in where all of our friends live and where i work. so far so good. i loveliving up at the lake. it has been a little bit of an adjustment getting used to commuting back and forth to roanoke. we are in the process of cleaning up around the house. yesterday he took off from work so we could clean the yard,the back and from porch and "de-clutter" some things from the trailer. :) anyways...we worked all day cleaning and picking up. thank goodness he helped me, because one person doing all the work is very difficult. derek put up solar lights around the house which look really good. lots of work to be done but by the time summer rolls around hopefully we'll be all ready to celebrate the summer and spend time with family and friends up here at the lake. today i am off so it will be a time for lots of laundry and dishes...maybe a little work out.

stay tuned for more. i definately think this is kind of fun and cant wait to write more. i have soooo much to tell:) LOL

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