Thursday, October 9, 2014

Watch me grow!

Our little boy is growing! He's already 6 months! He has two bottom teeth, is sitting up and just turned over from front to back! He's enjoying formula and eating solids! He is such a happy and healthy baby! We are so blessed to call him our son! Halloween is coming up soon and he is be a dragon! Can't wait to show all the neighbors his costume! This summer we headed to the beach and Davis had his first time at the beach and his first time eating solids! He starting to communicate with us more and more and makes funny noises and is starting to 'spit'! It is very amusing to watch! He also enjoys playing with all his toys! He goes to daycare now three times a week and one day a week my mom watches him and another day a week Derek's mom watches him! He loves his nana and Mimi very much!