Friday, April 9, 2010

12 hour dayzz......

Today was PRETTY eventful to say the least. I spent 12 LONG hours in the ED today. Triaging patients is one of the most tideous things an ER nurse can do. An a busy emergency department its actually the most important part ofthe ER and can be the most vital area. You have to put one of the best nurses out there to evaluate patient fast, at a quick glance and know if they are in trouble. I have been triaging for the past 2 years in the emergency room. You actually have to have 6 months experience and then take a triage class to be put in this position. It can be very time consuming and really draining if a person is out there for 12 hours. The reason are as follows:
1- busy ER= sick patients
2- busy ER= non stop patients checking in
3-asking the same questions over and over again
4- knowing whos sick and whos not
5-knowing that absolutly anything can walk through the door
6- knowing you have to deal with people from all angles of life- sick, homeless, rich, diabled, peds, geriactrics, adults, neonates, traumas, ect.
7- knowing that you probably wont even have time to eat or take bathroom break
8-knowing that you may not have any help
9-knowing your STUFF!!!!
10- knowing that you are helping someone and can make a difference

Now--- I think most of those are negatives about being in triage for 12 hours except the last one.

As for the rest of my day, I will be going to bed early tonight to get a good nights rest so I can volunteer tomm with some girls from work for the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation walk/race. We will actually be in the volunteer tent for those who are dehydrated, fall and get hurt, and anyone else who needs medical assistance:) Rewarding to say the least.

So....Derek is staying up at the clubhouse tonight (Water's Edge Country Club where he is a Golf Pro Assistant) where he is responsible for things that I have no clue about...sooo I will be staying home by myself tonight. I am very excited to actually have this weekend off so I can spend some time with my friends!!!! THANK GOODNESS. There is nothing like having time with your girls:)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

GOD is the only TRUTH

Ohh today was so much fun. Living up at the lake is of course AWESOME in every way possible other than the fact I am away from friends and mom but Ashely and Cohen came to visit today. He is sooo adorable and my friend Ashely is one of the best moms I know and is expecting another baby in December. We had alot of fun, ate breakfast and lunch, and I am slowly learning that the reality of having a baby is HARD HARD work for ANYONE (even if you are ready). Cohen is 1 year old and into EVERYTHING we have around the house....candles, spices, doors, remote controls are his favorite. I am now realizing how hard it is to take care of a little one and having tons of respect for all parents out there. :)

So ever since I have been a little girl I have loved church...and the word of GOD. Sunday was easter Sunday of course and I wanted soo badley to go to church with my mother. This did not happen due to circumstances of driving (which should not matter in the first place). I did though have a wonderful morning watching a church service on TV and reading "A purpose Drivin Life"by Rick Warren. (great book and I encourage everyone to read it). I am currently trying to read one chapter a day until I finish it. There are 40 chapters total. I do want a closer relationship with GOD and I know this for a fact. I grew up in the Baptist church where I went every Sunday with my family. Getting away from it was actually an easy thing to do when I became involved in the busy life of being a high school and college student consumed around my friends. I am looking right now for a church that I can enjoy along with my boyfriend Derek. (even though he works most Sundays, he wants to try and go). I think this would be a great way to form a closer relationship with God and actually help our growth together as a couple. :) Looking forward to see how this works out!

ONE MORE THING FOR THE DAY--- my mom calls me and says "Leigh I think you should go work for a strike". She said nurses are on strike in Philly and they need nurses to come and work for however long and are making up to 10,000 a week. I am thinking (WOW, ALOT OF MONEY and could pay off alot of debt ---credit cards, school loans, and car).....ONE PROBLEM---> I have a contract with the hospital I work with to pay off the rest of my school loans which adds up to 40,000 total cost. I could break the contract and end up paying all the debt off myself. Or continue to work for Carilion until my contract is done in December 2011. Debatable but I need help in making this decision? If anybody has in insight as to what to do??? Also planning on going back to school to get my Masters in Nursing as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. I could hold that off for a few years or go ahead and get that while I am holding out the contract at Carilion. Probably my safest option there. I NEED INSIGHT THOUGH....ANY THOUGHTS WILL HELP? :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mondays are my Sundays

Today I have saved up three weeks of newspaper coupons for a game Dereks friend Lindsey told me about. It's called the grochery game. You sign up online after you've saved up coupons out of the sunday newspaper for four weeks. She told me today she bought $316 worth of grocheries for $69...what do I think about that....AMAZING! Any way to save money now that I am trying to save to pay off credit card bills and a car/car insurance payment is a good idea to me. Today, Derek and I will have a day off together and try to get some more things done around the house....yard work, hang pictures, mess with the jet ski and try to get it ready for the summer, run errands, and grill out steaks tonight (after we get some propane for the grill) for the National Champoinship game...>>>GO DUKE!!!!! SO i have been distant a week or so because I have been working like crazy at the hospital pulling 12 hours shifts aprox 4 or 5 days a week. I have to say I love taking care of these people that are so sick they cant even use the bathroom by themselves but it does get tiring. Next time I have tell you all about being a nurse in the ER. :) until them....Carpe diem:)