Sunday, August 30, 2015

Pregnancy pics with baby Wingo #2 (Sterling Brooks)

The day of going into labor-- resting before dinner!!
The night before going into labor!!!-- we ate Valentine's Day dinner at Al'dente. Thank you to our friends Sani and Eli for watching Davis for mommy and daddy's last meal before baby Sterling arrives!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Mommy's gifts from Daddy!! 

First trimester:
Chocolate milk, anything sweet

Second trimester: 
Anything sweet 
Lucky charms cereal

Third trimester:
Anything cold and icy
Green tea
Starbucks refresher drink 

This pregnancy differs from Davises pregnancy because I have been a lot more emotional.... I will cry over anything. The other day I cried because it was Christmas and I was so happy Christmas was finally here!! I have had acne my entire pregnancy is well.  They say girls make you more emotional and I totally agree. I cannot wait for baby Sterling to get here!!! My best friend Haley is throwing a baby shower or baby sprinkle as they call it to celebrate her arrival. As for the house plans... well they are in action and we hope to be building or start building in about four weeks.  For now we are renting my friend Leanns house until we can move into our new house!  
**Waiting for baby Sterling to get here!!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

9-10 months old

Three days ago you started crawling for the first time! I kept wondering when you were gonna crawl and all of ansudee t one day you came home from daycare and you just took off! You are starting to pull up on things to her knees... Not yet standing! I am already trying to plan your first birthday. We will have it at our house with our family. I can't wait to have you a beautiful first birthday party! It's hard to believe this year has flown by. Mommy for a new job with general surgery and daddy had stayed busy working at Carter machinery. You keep us on our toes and loving every minute. You have 6 teeth and the top next two are working there way in. You are crawling. You ate your first brownie today and some crackers and bread at dinner. You are starting to eat more solid food every day. You love to play with gibbons. It is so funny to see you both play. You also love laughing and smiling. You play peek a boo and sat mama and baba and dada. Working on getting you to say bye bye! You are such a joy Davis! We love you!

Friday, January 2, 2015

1 to 12 months old

Dear baby boy Davis,

You are a complete joy to your father and I will love you so much and enjoy every single day been your mommy and daddy. You are now in nine months old and just three months away from turning one year old. You currently have six teeth and I think you're to back molars are coming in as well. Your first time eating crackers was yesterday and you enjoyed them very much you ate about three of them at a time ---it was so cute!! One of your most favorite things to do is play with your puppy named Gibbons--you play and just laugh at him so much!  It is a joy to watch you all play together! Thanksgiving and Christmas just passed we went to North Carolina both times this year to visit Papa and Nanny and great Granny Shirley! We had so much fun with the family except on Christmas you were a little bit sick and teething you felt just horrible but by new years eve felt better and you were a joy to be around! For Christmas you got tons of gifts and clothes and toys to play with your Nanny and grandpa also gave you money to put in your college fund! They are so thoughtful and sweet... all of your grandparents are!!! Tonight you are staying with your Nana so mommy and daddy can get some rest and put up all the Christmas decorations tomorrow we will go to your friend Leah's first birthday party.  We can't wait to take you so you can play and see all your friends!! I love you with all my heart sweet little boy!!
 love your mommy