Monday, December 23, 2013

25 weeks pregnant!!

This picture was taken a few days ago!! We are now almost 26 weeks pregnant and I feel great!! It's 3 days until Christmas and we are all ready, presents bought and ready to celebrate!! 

Most often asked questions??

1. Are you craving anything?? Why no I havnt had any major weird cravings but I do enjoy Chinese or Japanese food and. I also really enjoy cake or pie... Lots of sweets!! Don't worry baby Davis... Mommy is trying to eat healthy for you!! 

2. Have you felt him move?? Yes I have been feeling him move since 22 weeks. Some days not as much as others. I feel him more when laying down at night or in the morning when laying quietly. 

3. Do You have a name?? Yes ... Davis Shelton Wingo .. Davis is just a name that Derek and I really liked... Shelton is a family name. My moms maiden name is Shelton and Derek has a great granny Shelton:) so it worked!! We love it and can't wait to meet our baby boy!! 

4. When is he due?? April 2nd, 2014!! Hopefully not on April fools. We joke that no one will Beleive us if we go into labor on April fools!! It would be so fitting for us though to have an April fools baby though!! Lol!!

5. Is Derek excited?? Derek is over the moon excited to be a daddy!! I can't wait to see how Davis and Derek interact with each other! Derek holds our friends kids and plays with them all the time so I know he will be a great daddy!! He does so well with kids.... Better than me:):) 

6. How are you feeling?? At this point I feel great. Mild swelling in my hands and feet. I have had some nose bleeds and my asthma and allergies are way worse than any other time in my life! I'm in a great mood most the time but do have the so called "pregnancy brain" and forget or feel fuzzy headed at times!! The first 16 weeks were different-- I had nausea, and felt very exhausted and just wanted to sleep 24/7!! Hope this lasts longer than the first 16 weeks!! 

Countdown --- 3 months and 9 days to go!!! :):) so close and excited to meet you baby Davis!! 

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