Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It's july 2014

It's almost July 4th and we took pictures infront of our beautiful home. My flowers have really grown thanks to the daily watering from Derek and I to the perfect amount of sunlight arranged by the positioning of house. The night of these pictures we went to eat Mexican with our dear friends Haley and nick who are expecting little carter this September! We really can't wait to meet carter and have okay dates!!! 
I will begin my new adventure on August 9th as Davis will begin his new adventure on daycare starting August 4th. I'm very optimistic that we are both going to love our new journeys. I will be working 4 10 hour shifts as an NP for acute care service general surgery. I can not wait to embark on this new adventure. Very different from the RN perspective and very different hours. I have really enjoyed my time with Davis working part time. Only 1 more month left!!! Beach at the end of August with my family!! Can't wait!! Davis' first beach trip!!! Should be interesting driving 8 hours with a 5 month old ;) 
And more about Davis... He is sleeping through the night! He started about a week ago making 8 to 10 hour stretches in the middle of the night! Mommy and daddy are so proud of our little boy! He amazes me everyday! He loves to swing, be read too, watch cartoon, sleep, eat, and have playtime outside as of now! No more fussy wussy colic or acid reflux (whatever that was the first three months) thank goodness that's over! Love u little angel!! 

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