Monday, December 30, 2013

Philosophy- The next best facial cleanser!!

I have heard of Philosophy for many years now but never tried it--UNTIL NOW! I have recently discovered Philosophy's Purity, Microdelivery exfoliating wash, and moisturizer Hope in a jar. LOVE THIS STUFF. I use the exfoliating wash about 2-3 times a week, and the Purity wash every morning and night along with the Hope in a jar. This stuff is great! The ONE downside of it is if you do have dry skin, it can dry it out a little bit more and you may have to get another moisturizer. You can get this a few places around town-- such as Le-Chevaux Salon and Spa or you can get it at Ulta or Sepphora online. I also like the fragrances they sell-- Pure Grace- very fresh and clean smell!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

27 weeks

Almost 27 weeks and feeling great!! No cravings, no food aversions and sleeping well at night! I have no complaints! I do enjoy eating lots of food... Sweets that is!!! eeekk!!! I have a doctor appointment tomm! I will have glucose testing to make sure there is no sign of gestational diabetes!! Fingers crossed! Hopefully we will get to hear little Davis' heartbeat at that appointment but won't have another ultrasound until the 32 week appointment. I can't wait to have the next ultrasound to see another look at him!! 

We just got back from visiting my Grandma and she wanted to take a guess at how much baby Davis will weigh. Here is what we guess so far ...

Granny Shirley -- over 8 lbs 
Derek -- 7lbs 2oz
Me -- 6 lbs 12oz

We will keep this going as baby Davis grows!!! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas photos

Here is a pic of our family Christmas photo for 2013. Our dear friend Kori came over and took these pictures! Pretty good I'd say for someone who has never taken a picture with a Canon camera in her life. 

This picture includes Gizmo, and Gibbons- our family pets. Gizmo wanted nothing to do with the pictures thus is why we ended up using the photo below for our actual Christmas card photo.

This pictures shows my baby bump-- about 24 weeks! 

And for our Gibbons with Santa picture!! We took Gibbons to Angels of Assisi which is a local shelter to have his picture taken with Santa Claus. We donated $10 to Angels to have this done!! Gibbons was shaking the entire time, poop pup! He managed to get it done in only a few seconds so it wasn't so bad on him! He did enjoy his antlers though-- MERRY CHRISTMAS! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Baby Davis' nursery

Above are prints we ordered off eBay for baby Davis nursery! These chevron truck prints will go over his crib!! 
Closet space- still need to add some color and baskets to the top shelf of the closet

These are just a few pics of the nursery! 
Still more to come. 
Where we got stuff!! 
1. Crib-- baby mod from Walmart
2. Black and white chevron rug-- groupon buy 
3. Dresser-- Ikea hemmes 
4. Rocker-- amazon 
5. Animal print bags-- amazon 

Still left to do... 
1. Hang pictures above crib and dresser
2. Hang shelving above rocker
3. Lamp
4. Mobile for crib from pottery barn kids
5. Baskets for diapers and wipes on dresser

That's it so far!! 

25 weeks pregnant!!

This picture was taken a few days ago!! We are now almost 26 weeks pregnant and I feel great!! It's 3 days until Christmas and we are all ready, presents bought and ready to celebrate!! 

Most often asked questions??

1. Are you craving anything?? Why no I havnt had any major weird cravings but I do enjoy Chinese or Japanese food and. I also really enjoy cake or pie... Lots of sweets!! Don't worry baby Davis... Mommy is trying to eat healthy for you!! 

2. Have you felt him move?? Yes I have been feeling him move since 22 weeks. Some days not as much as others. I feel him more when laying down at night or in the morning when laying quietly. 

3. Do You have a name?? Yes ... Davis Shelton Wingo .. Davis is just a name that Derek and I really liked... Shelton is a family name. My moms maiden name is Shelton and Derek has a great granny Shelton:) so it worked!! We love it and can't wait to meet our baby boy!! 

4. When is he due?? April 2nd, 2014!! Hopefully not on April fools. We joke that no one will Beleive us if we go into labor on April fools!! It would be so fitting for us though to have an April fools baby though!! Lol!!

5. Is Derek excited?? Derek is over the moon excited to be a daddy!! I can't wait to see how Davis and Derek interact with each other! Derek holds our friends kids and plays with them all the time so I know he will be a great daddy!! He does so well with kids.... Better than me:):) 

6. How are you feeling?? At this point I feel great. Mild swelling in my hands and feet. I have had some nose bleeds and my asthma and allergies are way worse than any other time in my life! I'm in a great mood most the time but do have the so called "pregnancy brain" and forget or feel fuzzy headed at times!! The first 16 weeks were different-- I had nausea, and felt very exhausted and just wanted to sleep 24/7!! Hope this lasts longer than the first 16 weeks!! 

Countdown --- 3 months and 9 days to go!!! :):) so close and excited to meet you baby Davis!! 

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Clearly I have not been on here in awhile due to the very busy schedule I have been doing! I am currently finishing up my degree for nurse practitioner while working full time and trying to find the time to spend with my husband. It has been a difficult time to say the least. Fortunately I have had the opportunity to take this month off of work to finish my program. And our other sweet announcement is that I am currently 19 weeks going on 20 weeks pregnant with a sweet little boy!!!
we are over the moon excited that we are expecting a little boy in April 2014!!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

New kitchen remodel

Taz put In white cabinets for Derek and I. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

New appliances!!

The appliances we choose we're from hhgreg. They had the best deals on fridge, dishwasher, and stove than any other places we looked (sears, lowes, Home Depot) 

Kitchen remodel

This is our current kitchen! But not for too long! We are starting kitchen demolition tomm! 

We had a plumber come today to fix the gas lines for the new gas stove. Tomm Derek will ripping the cabinets, appliances, and floor out! Friday, the flooring guys will come to put in new hardwood floors that will match the ones that are in the dining room.

My mother in law is also coming over to help paint the ceiling and walls.

Bye bye old kitchen! In comes the new!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Front of house

Front of house freshly painted and new furniture!

Master bathroom remodel

Master bathroom remodel! Take a look!

Hall bathroom remodel!

Our bathroom remodel is complete! Take a look!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bucket List

Bucket List 

Derek and I thought it would be fun to come up with a bucket list of places we would like to visit throughout our lives together. One night we sat down, and wrote down all the places we would LOVE to go. Here they are...

United States-

Glacier National Park
Napa Valley
NYC-  Broadway play
Stay the night at a Ranch
Yellowstone National Park
Austin, Texas
Nashville, TN
Niagra Falls
(NEW ENGLAND- Boston, Maine, Rhode Island)


Broncos game
Wigley Field
UNC- Duke game @ Duke
Super Bowel
Alabama-Auburn game
World Series game


Cruise to Alaska
Cruise to W-Caribbean
Frankford, Germany
Bora Bora

DEREK-- Play golf in Ireland/Scotland

Places we've already been...


Cruise to Caribbean - 1997
California- (Anaheim, LA, Monteray Bay) x 3
Las Vegas x 3
Atlantic City x 3
Panema City
Baltimore, MA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburg, PA
Nashville, TN
Myrtle Beach, SC
Washington DC
Vero Beach, FL
Savannah, VA
Amelia Island, FL
Hilton Head, NC
North Carolina
Lancaster, PA (Amish Country)
Pigeon Forge
Anapalis, Maryland
Jacksonville, FL


Las Vegas x 2
California (Monteray Bay)
Washington DC
Dayona Beach, FL
Orlando, FL
Vero Beach, FL
Amelia Island, FL
North Carolina (every city) born in Durham
Hilton Head
Outer Banks
Savannah, GA
Pigeon Forge x 2
The Gally(White water rafting) West Virginia
West Minster, Maryland
New Orleans
Jacksonville, FL