Sunday, February 9, 2014

32 weeks of pregnancy

This week is the 32nd week of pregnancy! I have to say it's moving along quickly and I am so excited to meet our baby boy I can barely stand it!! I really can't complain about anything to this point. I have no stretch marks, no weird cravings, sleep well at night, no major edema or swelling and I'm enjoying most everything about pregnancy other than being a little bit tired. I do love a nice cold bowl of cereal in the morning for breakfast which I guess would be one of the things I so enjoy during the end of this pregnancy. 
This past weekend I went to Catherine's baby shower. She is having a little boy as well. Derek and Catherine's husband, josh, grew up together. Their baby Hamilton is due 12 days before Davis. I had a lot of fun at her baby shower and am just excited for mine coming up this weekend and the following weekend! Everyone is so excited to meet these sweet babies!! I'll go back to see Dr. Clapp on valentines day and see if we can get an ultrasound pic of Davis-- fingers crossed!!! Maternity pics are on Feb. 16th as well! :) stay tuned!!

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