Friday, April 4, 2014

Baby due date!!!

Our baby boy Davis Shelton was born March 24th, 2014 at 3:20 in the afternoon. He weighed 7lbs and 18 2/3 inches!! He is the light of my life, an angel, a little bit of everything and we are so in love!!! Our official due date was April 2nd. I had him 9 days early!!!!!! We weren't really expecting to have him early at all ... Being that I felt really good up to the day before, I was fairly all baby and being first time pregnancy-- we were all thinking id be late. 

The birth story!!! How it all went down!! 

The day before I went into labor I was extremely tired-- like exhaustion feeling... Which I hadn't felt that tired since the first trimester!!! I actually didn't think anything of it but that Sunday I slept all day long!!!! Up to this point, I was doing pretty good, still working and had planned to go to work the Monday he was born!!!! 

I went to bed that night and woke up at 4:15am to a little drop in my underwear!! I thought--- hmm? That's weird and went to the bathroom...again most trickle of water came out into the toilet. Again I was unsure but I thought did my water just break?? I then began to urinate and saw there was a difference. The water was just like it is--- clear in color at this point!! I said yup- it's time and called out to my husband who was fast asleep in bed. Derek wake up!!!! So he woke up and we called the hospital to get our room ready. The nurse said take our time, pack and go get some breakfast if u want to eat. We arrived at the hospital at 5:30am. 

We checked in, got all our paper work signed and called all our family members and I texted my friends! After all that it was about 8:30 when dr. Clapp came to see me. Afterwards, we started pitocin to induce the contractions bc at that time I wasn't feeling or having them and I was only 0cm dilated. So we waited after that and about 2 hours later I was starting to have the contractions every 3 minutes and felt them... They were getting intense so I decided to get the epidural. Dr. Clapp came to check on me again at 12 and I was still 0cm. She opened me manually and I went to 4cm. I was finally relaxed but started having upper bAck pain after I was given the epidural. Now this Pain was 10 out of 10 pain radiating down my arms and I couldn't move my neck! It was horrible! By this time dr.
Clapp was back to check me... This was 3 o'clock.... And I was 10cm dilated and crowning!!!! She opened my legs quickly and told me to push!!! This happened so quickly we were not expecting it!!! We thought atleast I would be in labor all day and probably have him that night --bc she said most ladies will dilate 1cm an hour!!! Oh no... Not me!!! I pushed 12 times and it lasted about 20 minutes and he was here!! The cutest little bundle of joy!!! 

First bath!!

Going home!!! I spent 2 days in the hospital and we were off to home!!!! 

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