Tuesday, June 3, 2014

First week of life

Hi everyone!!! I am such a good baby!! I let my mommy and daddy know when I am hungry, peed, or pooed!! And I sleep most all the time. I am not fussy or wifey!!

It's true--- babies really do let you
Know what they need if u just are in tune with your baby you can easily read the signs!! The experts say that in the first month of life there is really no schedule for the baby to be on...when the baby is hungry- feed him--whenever he wants!!! 

This first week has been a whirlwind of emotions!!

The first night we were home I had to go to the Emergency room for severe constipation and hemrroids from the delivery. That same night my milk had come in and I really was unsure of what to do with it. The next morning we trucked over to lactation to get my breast 'uningorged'. They said it was pretty bad,
Worst they had seen and felt sorry for me:/ the next day after that we had three doctors appointments-- peds, peds cardiology and lactation. Davis has a small ventricular septal defect in his heart. He said it should close by 2 months and that it was pretty minor so that was reassuring!!! His peds visit went well--- he was gaining weight--- eating about 3oz of breast milk pump expressed every 3 hours on average. Well-- those first days flew by as well as the weekend bc of all the visitors
And come Monday Derek was back to work!!!! Oh my gosh!!! Already!! It was a whirlwind!! By this time I thought I should
Be feeling better but I hadn't! Sleep deprived and sore from hemmroids and episiotomy I called the doctor. I asked her if I could come in that I think I might have an infection in my vagina. She got me in Tuesday and said that it was not infected but I did have a stitch that was rubbing a ulcer In my vagina making it hurt so bad to the point I couldn't walk! So I thought I should be feeling better by Wednesday or Thursday! That was not the case so Thursday morning I called her again to take another look... Still she took up another stitch to help it heal faster and make the pain go away.. Also this week I had a job interview which was very important to me that I could not miss. So at 4 o'clock that day I went to the job interview-- it went well I believe and go back into weeks to shadow. I hope I get the job it seems like my dream job-- it's working in a general surgery acute-care inpatient setting seeing patients that come in through the Emergency department or are already in the hospital. Perfect for my emergency department and post anesthesia care unit experience!! 

With all that being said the first two weeks are definitely something to write about!!! You are filled with so many emotions about being a new mom overwhelmed with everything in visitors, sleep deprived and round-the-clock feedings!!! I hear it gets better! But it is all worth it for the perfect cutest little boy I have ever seen that I am so lucky to be his mommy!!! πŸ’™πŸ˜ƒ❤️πŸΌπŸ‘Ά

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